Friday, May 6, 2016

End of an Era

Just like Lilith had done with Adam, Annia kept Genesis company while he crafted with wood.

But this time Annia was also sharing her knowledge of the items she wanted. The next generation would not lay upon a rock covered with skins. They would have carved wood "cradles".

 Everyone in the family was excited abut the coming changes. They were certain that life would become grander.

 Lilith wanted to introduce Annia to the group of ladies that followed her lead. Annia could start making useful connections and observe leadership skills.

Lilith found it disconcerting to see how many of her friends sported silver tresses now, one member had even passed away. Time was marching on. How long would it be before Lilith wore a crown of silver herself? And they had disturbing news to share: Adam and Eve had two sons now. Adam was acting as if he had become a father for the first time.

Maybe it was elder years that made them simple or perhaps they had been daft cows all along, but the silly women kept throwing logs on the fire until it grew too hot.

And then the logs they sat upon, started to catch on fire. Jair rushed forward to extinguish the flames.

Lilith and Annia was furious that Annia's babe had been placed at risk.

The meeting had been a disaster. Lilith wanted them all to leave the camp, so she suggested they take their meeting to the cliffs, even though they were all getting long in the tooth for dancing and such.

They danced and chatted as the evening passed and then proclaimed Lilith as "Leader of the Pack". Lilith was proud to have achieved her aspiration.

Anticipation was in the air. The new babe would be arriving soon as well as the items they had purchased to make life easier and more pleasant. Lilith had already begun to make plans for this structure called a "house".

Genesis and Annia were completely enamored with each other and delighted about the babe's impending arrival. Genesis tried his best to make sure Annia was comfortable.

They happily went through their day, chatting about their plans for the future.

Everyone had begun to drift to the tents to sleep, even Annia. But then she popped back out again in intense pain.

Genesis panicked.

"Go to sleep in the tent, Genesis. Childbirth is for women. I don't need you upsetting me."

Annia even sent Lilith to sleep, promising to call for help if she needed it.

In the dark hours of the night, Annia gave birth to her and Genesis' babe. As agreed upon, she was named "Varinia". With the birth of Varinia, the end of an era had occurred.

When the sun rose on this beautiful baby, a new age would be dawning for them all.

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