Sunday, March 13, 2016

In the beginning

In the beginning... Lilith was pissed off. It wasn't her fault! It wasn't her fault that she was beautiful, desirable, and self-assured. It wasn't her fault that her goddess' husband got drunk and made a pass at her in front of his wife. Now granted Lilith was gregarious and eager to be the Leader of the Pack, but that didn't mean Lilith intended to overthrow her goddess or steal her husband. Lilith fancied herself noncommittal, she just "borrowed" husbands instead of keeping them. There was a huge difference there!

Lilith intended to lay low a while until her goddess' ire had receded. But her goddess' fury had been greater than Lilith anticipated or perhaps it had been fueled by the other wives in court. The day after the grand ball, Lilith had been summoned and told she would be the First Woman on that desolate planet in the Milky Way Galaxy. Lilith had never wanted to be a First Woman, ripped from a life of comfort and ease to primitively seed a planet. First Women were volunteers, they were filled with traits and aspirations for the harsh tasks ahead. But the goddess did not care if Lilith wanted to go or was even the best woman for the job, Lilith was being banished.

Goddess forbid that her plot of earth be sublime! No, Lilith had been banished to the harsh desert. Filled with bones on the great lizards that her goddess has destroyed in order to prepare the planet for humankind.

Forget the luxury bedding and pools, her home was just a mere cave now.

And the worst of all, was her chosen First Man.

Of all the desirable men on Lilith's home planet, she had been assigned with Adam. Adam was a childish slob. His grand aspiration was to bumble around being a collector so he could be a Freelance Botanist. Granted they both loved the outdoors, but Adam liked to work in it. Lilith would rather dance naked under the moonlight. Big difference!

Lilith had no intention of mating with Adam and bearing his young. She would wait until the others arrived. But her goddess knew Lilith too well. The goddess decreed that the others would not be sent until Lilith had mated with and borne Adam a child. She also decreed that Earth would be a patriarchal society, no doubt hoping to keep Lilith in check.

But if there was one thing Lilith excelled at, she always made the best of a situation. She usually managed to get her way. The goddess could demand this one task of her, but Lilith knew at some point when the goddess was satisfied that humans had a foothold on dominating the Earth planet she would abandon this planet. At that point, Earth would be Lilith's to shape as she saw fit. Adam could continue to think he and other mankind were in charge if it made them happy. But Lilith intended to seed the world with strong women and build a grand civilization beyond the goddess' imagination.

In the beginning, Lilith was the First Woman. Lilith was pissed off. Lilith was ready to take on the world.

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