Thursday, March 17, 2016

Third, Fourth and Fifth Days

Lilith could not stand the stench and was jumping into her ineffective pool first thing after awakening.

Lilith prodded Adam to plant some of the fruit she had gathered. She intended to enjoy some sort of primitive luxury in her lifetime and hoped this might help.

Lilith also encouraged Adam to take up working with wood. It would bring in income once the Others arrived and hopefully produce a few creature comforts as well.

Lilith continued to dig...

and Adam continued to fish.

Lilith was pleased because she had gathered enough "treasures" to double the length of her tiny pool. Granted it was still not the best way to cleanse, but it was an improvement.

After her "bath", Lilith realized she was with child.

Adam still had a ways to go in mastering fire.

And Lilith was tired of eating fish and carrots.

On the third day, the First Couple found they were expecting the First Born. And they thought it was very good.

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Adam worked hard at his woodworking.

Lilith struggled, trying not to be ill every time she had to approach the bush they "fertilized".

Adam's first crops were growing and Lilith managed to persuade him to swim some of the grime away.

Digging up artifacts now took longer because Lilith moved much slower. She still hated getting grimy all the time.

Adam had a lot of woodworking accidents.

Lilith tried hard not to laugh when that happened, but she didn't always succeed.

Sometimes Adam was so tired that he went to bed right after eating, leaving Lilith to eat alone.

On the fourth day, Lilith reeked and Adam hit himself in the head a lot. Neither one of them thought this was good.

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Adam still looked at Lilith as if she were desirable. He was a slob and had no sense of smell.

Lilith didn't think she could move any slower than the day before, but she was wrong. She did not venture far from the camp.

Lilith was so exhausted that she napped twice during the day.

It was late before Adam lit the fire to cook the fish. They were both wearied.

Lilith could barely eat. The fish must have not been fresh or perhaps filled with parasites. Her middle tightened and ached.

Adam was too tired to care. He went straight to their cave to sleep.

It soon became apparent to Lilith that these were birth pangs. She drew closer to the cradles she and Adam had fashioned.

In the dark hours, Lilith gave birth to a son. She had labored alone and decided she had naming rights. She named the First Born: Genesis.

On the fifth day, the First Born came into the world and it was very good.

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